Days of Miracle and Wonder.

Days of Miracle and Wonder.

Previously: Dog Facts.


Asshole nuns sold dud beads. No honor among simonists. Two hour walk to service station for overpriced San Pedro Cochise arrowheads. Bought six. Old dumb magic that keeps the bike going steady but even slower than before. Dropped one in the parking lot and it swooped off on its own and killed a lizard. Twenty US Dollars down the drain. 


He’s gotten crazier since Juticalpa. Weirder. I don’t think he has any idea what he’s doing anymore. Or if he even wants to do it. Him and me both then.


That’s the Cold War. Your shit doesn’t have to be practical. It doesn’t even have to work, not like Opa’s stuff did. You don't want to use it, because if you do you’ll get destroyed (Mutually and Assuredly). So you engineer for spectacle: stuff that looks scary on spy camera photos and from space. Trillions of dollars worth of beautiful, scary, silly shit that you're never going to use. And it never has to end. No one wins.

To be continued....

Excerpts From A Travelogue: Rex Murnica.

Excerpts From A Travelogue: Rex Murnica.

Shadow Records part 2. They Will Come.

Shadow Records part 2. They Will Come.